Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Original Sale

Etsy Sale

It's been a little while, I've moved, done some hardcore decorating and finished working on another Model book for IVY KIDs. But it's time to kick on and catch up with myself. In order to do so I'm having a bit of a clearance sale. Go to my ETSY page to get one of these originals for a Ridiculous £10!!!

In this town death is served by the bottle...

" 57 varieties"

A Tommy K/Spaghetti Western inspired illo for the good folks over at Sauces Zine for their first issue to be published soon!

Thursday, 4 September 2014

100 Cats Exhibition

100 Cats exhibition

I've done a lot of drawings of cats recently, partly because I room shared with Faye Moorhouse's cat Birkin, when Faye and I did our Brighton show, and partly because my sister has just got a new cat, but mainly because I'm going to be part of this 100 cats exhibition. The exhibition is being fantastically organised by Laura Hughes which takes a lot of doing as there are over 30 illustrators involved. It's on between the 11th-14th September at the A-side B-side gallery. There will be a lot of cats!


cats ideas

I'm going to partake in an exhibition in London called 100 cats. It's a group exhibition of artists/illustrators celebrating all things CAT! I've just finished packaging my pieces for the show and will be taking them down this afternoon. These images are essentially my workings out. I'll do another post explaining more about the show in the coming days.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Model Professionals

Footballer Paper Toys

Again some bits I made for the exhibition, and they're now up on my Etsy store, HERE! At the moment there is only a few of them but there should be some more soon.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Gatherings Exhibition

Gatherings Exhibition with Faye Moorhouse

So a week today Faye Moorhouse and I will be exhibiting at Gallery40 in Brighton.  There'll be a whole mixture of our work there so you should definitely come along if you can make it.

Thursday, 24 July 2014


I made a gif...
I'm so hip to the hop that I made a gif- only about five years after everyone else started doing it, but it made me happy. I know it's pretty complicated but you'll have to bear with me. Enjoy!!